Trials of Osiris Armor

New Trials of Osiris set, clearly inspired by the ancient themes of power, godlike combat and amazing animals.

Armor pieces will not be able to be earned from engrams until they have been unlocked, either via Challenges or from the Lighthouse chest rewards.

New Cosmetics and Weapons

Get the Latest Ship, Sparrow, Ghost, Emblem, and Powerful New Weapons: Keen Thistle Sniper Rifle and Exalted Truth Hand Cannon.

Cosmetics are divided up into vehicles (ships and Sparrows), which are exclusive to players who can earn high win streaks, and Ghost Shells which all players can earn, but it is faster if you go to the Lighthouse and get higher win streaks. In Heresy we will be introducing a new ship and Sparrow, along with a new Ghost Shell. All the existing Trials of Osiris vehicles will be in one pool, and all Trials of Osiris Ghost Shells will be in the second. These are knockout lists, meaning you cannot get duplicates from either pool, so if you play enough, you will eventually earn them all. The new Trials emblem, Lighthouse-Keeper, will also be earned this way, exclusively for players who can get the upper win streaks.